1. Rationale
Since September 2019, with the publishing of Circular 0052/2019, the onus has been placed on schools to ascertain whether a student should qualify for and be granted an exemption from the study of Irish.
In August 2022 a new Circular 0054/2022 Exemptions from the Study of Irish –Revising Circular 0052/2019, changed some of the conditions under which an exemption can be granted. As a result, we have created this Irish Exemption Policy comply with the revised Circular .
2. Granting an exemption from the study of Irish
2.1 An exemption should be granted only in exceptional circumstances
Exempting a pupil from the study of Irish will be considered only in those exceptional circumstances set out in section 2.2 of this Circular. The decision to exempt a pupil from the study of Irish is an important decision that has implications for his/her future learning. The decision to grant an exemption from the study of Irish is made by the principal, but it must be made following detailed discussion with the pupil’s parent(s)/guardian(s), the class teacher, special education teachers and the pupil. A decision to grant an exemption should only be considered in the circumstances set out in section 2.2 below.
2.2 The circumstances in which a pupil may be granted an exemption from the study of Irish
An exemption from the study of Irish may be allowed in the following circumstances, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.4 or 2.2.5 only:
2.2.1 A pupil moving from a different country without previous experience of learning the Irish language
An exemption from the study of Irish may be granted to a pupil whose education was received outside the State (for a minimum period of three consecutive years) where he/she did not have opportunity to engage in the study of Irish
AND either (a) or (b)
(a) who is not less than 12 years of age on the day of their enrolment or reenrolment
(b) who is enrolling following the completion of the full course of primary education recognised by another state.
2.2.2 A pupil who experiences significant literacy difficulties which are an obstacle to their learning across the curriculum
An exemption from the study of Irish may be granted to a pupil:
(i) who has at least reached second class
(ii) who presents with significant literacy difficulties that are persistent despite having had access to a differentiated approach to language and literacy learning in all subjects/across the curriculum and over time. Documentary evidence to this effect, held by the school, should include Student Support Plans detailing:
- regular reviews of learning needs as part of an ongoing cycle of assessment
- target-setting
- evidence-informed intervention and review, including test scores (Word Reading, Reading Comprehension, Spelling, other scores of language / literacy) at key points of review
(iii) who, at the time of the application for exemption presents with a standardised score on a discrete test in either Word Reading, Reading Comprehension or Spelling at/below the 10th percentile.
Normally, pupils availing of an exemption under this category should be encouraged to engage with the study of oral Irish language for as long as possible in keeping with the integrated approach in the Primary Language Curriculum and acknowledging that pupils at a young age adapt and improve over time. To support inclusive practice, pupils who are exempt from the study of Irish will be included in a meaningful way in aspects of Irish language and cultural activities in line with his/her ability and interests. Pupils will remain in the class during the Irish lesson so that they may have an opportunity to gain a knowledge of spoken Irish and to participate in the learning activities.
2.2.3 A pupil who experiences a high level of multiple and persistent needs that are a significant barrier to the pupil’s participation and engagement in their learning and school life
It is recognised that there is a small cohort of pupils who have a high level of multiple and persistent needs that are a significant barrier to their participation and engagement in their learning and school life. In the case of these pupils, consideration may need to be given to adjusting the range of learning experiences to ensure that their needs are met and that they may engage purposefully in their learning in school. In very exceptional circumstances, this means that consideration may need to be given to exempting them from the study of Irish.
An exemption from the study of Irish may be granted to a pupil:
(i) who has at least reached second class
(ii) who experiences a high level of multiple and persistent needs that are a very significant and continuing barrier to his/her participation and engagement in his/her learning and school life
(iii) the school has substantial written evidence that these needs persist despite targeted and individualised Student Support Plans to address those needs
(iv) the school has substantial written evidence that these individualised Student Support Plans have been implemented over not less than two school years, and have been monitored and reviewed by the school in collaboration with the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the pupil
(v) who has been given every reasonable opportunity to participate in the learning of Irish in mainstream classes for as long as possible in keeping with the integrated approach in the Primary Language Curriculum and acknowledging that pupils at a young age adapt and improve over time
(vi) the principal is satisfied that the granting of an exemption is in the overall best interests of the pupil concerned. Normally, this will mean that the pupil will be expected to engage with the study of Irish at least to the end of fifth class. However, in very exceptional circumstances, where the principal is satisfied that an exemption is warranted to address the high level of multiple and persistent needs of the pupil and certifies that all of the conditions in (i) to (vi) above have been met, it may be granted at an earlier stage, but in no case may this be earlier than second class.
2.2.4 A pupil in a recognised special school or class or who was previously enrolled in a recognised special school or class or who has a recommendation and has been deemed eligible for a place in a recognised special school and/or in a special class in a mainstream school
(i) Where a pupil is currently enrolled in a recognised special school or special class in a mainstream school or who has previously been enrolled in a recognised special school or special class in a mainstream school and who is transitioning to mainstream provision, that pupil is automatically entitled to an exemption from the study of Irish without an application.
(ii) Where a pupil has a recommendation and has been deemed eligible for a place in a recognised special school and/or in a special class in a mainstream school an application for an exemption from the study of Irish will be required. Normally, pupils availing of an exemption under (i) OR (ii) of this category should be encouraged to engage with the study of oral Irish language in keeping with the integrated approach in the Primary Language Curriculum and acknowledging that pupils at a young age adapt and improve over time.
2.2.5 A pupil whose parent(s)/guardian(s) is a/are diplomatic or consular representative(s) of another country to Ireland irrespective of age or educational history
An exemption from the study of Irish may be granted to a pupil whose parent(s)/guardian(s) is a/are diplomatic or consular representative(s) of another country to Ireland irrespective of age or educational history
2.3 Procedures for granting an exemption from the study of Irish
(a) Steps required for a valid application for an exemption from the study of Irish
- A parent/guardian must make an application in writing to the principal for a Certificate of Exemption from the study of Irish on behalf of a pupil. (See Appendix 1)
- The school staff shall mark the date of receipt of the application on the application form and issue an acknowledgement to the parent(s)/guardian(s) upon receipt of the application.
- At the earliest opportunity a school official shall contact the applicant(s) and: discuss the written application with the applicant(s) and confirm the sub-paragraph on which the application is based (as outlined in section 2.2 above)
N.B. If a parent/guardian does not confirm the sub-paragraph under which the application is based, then the application is null, and void and no further processing of the application will take place. Only criteria contained in Exemptions from the Study of Irish –Revising Circular 0052/2019 can be considered as grounds for an exemption from the study of Irish and no other exceptional circumstances can be considered.
The school will then;
- advise the applicant(s) of the steps involved in processing the application.
- inform the parent(s)/guardian(s)/pupil of the implications of an exemption from the study of Irish (Appendix 4) for the pupil while in primary education and into the future.
iv. The application should be fully processed, and the outcome confirmed in writing within 21 school days of receipt of the application. (Appendix 2)
v. Where a decision is reached that an exemption from the study of Irish may be granted a signed Certificate of Exemption (Appendix 3) will be issued to the parent(s)/guardian(s) and a copy will be held by the school in the pupil’s file. The record keeping requirements are outlined further at 2.3(c) below.
vi. Where an application is refused, the principal must inform the applicant(s) in writing outlining the reasons for refusal and notifying the applicant(s) that the school’s decision may be appealed to the Irish Exemptions Appeal Committee within 30 calendar days of the date of the written decision.
(b) Considering an application for exemption
In considering an application for exemption from the study of Irish the principal will:
- review the application and any documentation provided by the applicant(s).
- consult with the pupil’s class teacher.
- consult with the Special Education Teacher
- review school documentation for the evidence outlined in subsection 2.2.
(c) Recording the decision
The outcome of the application process will be conveyed by the school in writing to the applicant. Where an exemption is granted, a Certificate of Exemption, signed and dated by the school principal will be issued.
i. The Certificate of Exemption will state the name and address of the school, the school roll number, the pupil’s name, date of birth and the sub-paragraph under which the exemption is being granted. The template for Certificate of Exemption is published by the Department on the government website. (Appendix 3)
ii. The arrangements for the pupil’s learning will be explained to the parent(s)/guardian(s)/pupil.
iii. It will be explained to the parent(s)/guardian(s) that incidental learning of Irish language may occur through engagement with greetings, phrases, festivals and that a positive attitude to Irish should be fostered by the parent(s)/guardian(s). To support inclusive practice, pupils who are exempt from the study of Irish will be included in a meaningful way in aspects of Irish language and cultural activities in line with his/her ability and interests. Pupils will remain in the class during the Irish lesson so that they may have an opportunity to gain a knowledge of spoken Irish and to participate in the learning activities.
iv. Parent(s)/guardian(s) and the pupil should be informed of the option not to exercise the exemption granted, without any loss of the right to exercise it at a future time.
v. The application form, all supporting documentation, and a copy of the Certificate of Exemption will be retained by the school in accordance with data protection legislation and will be made available for inspection by authorised officers of the Department.
vi. In addition, where an exemption from the study of Irish is granted, the school will update the pupil’s record on the Primary Online Database (POD) as soon as possible to include the reason for that exemption. Where an application is refused, a copy of the application form, together with the letter of refusal and all supporting documentation, will be retained by the school in accordance with data protection legislation. The school should maintain the records for at least the duration of the pupil’s enrolment in the school.
4 Appeal
Where the application for exemption from the study of Irish is refused, an applicant can appeal the school’s decision to the Irish Exemptions Appeals Committee (IEAC). The appeal must be lodged within 30 calendar days from the date of the written decision of the school not to grant an exemption was notified in writing to the applicant. Irish Exemption Appeal Form and Guidelines for Primary Schools can be accessed at www.gov.ie/en/service/irish-exemption/
5. Pupils transitioning to other schools
It is the responsibility of the parent(s)/guardian(s) to ensure that a copy of the pupil’s Certificate of Exemption is made available to the receiving. (Primary or Secondary) school.
This policy was ratified by the Board of Management 18th October 2023
Signed: _______________________ ________________________
(Chairperson, Board of Management) (Principal)
Date: ________________________ ________________________
Appendix 1
Application for Exemption from the Study of Irish Primary Schools For completion by the parent(s)/guardian(s) | |||
Name of Pupil | |||
Date of Birth | |||
Class | |||
Name of School | |||
I/We wish to apply for an exemption from the study of Irish on behalf of_____________________________________________________ Please indicate (ü) the grounds for an exemption from the study of Irish in accordance with Circular 0054/2022 | |||
2.2.1(a) | The pupil is not less than 12 years of age on the day of their enrolment or re-enrolment whose education was received outside the State (for a minimum period of three consecutive years) where he/she did not have the opportunity to engage in the study of Irish. | ||
2.2.1(b) | The pupil’s education was received outside the State (for a minimum period of three consecutive years) where he/she did not have opportunity to engage in the study of Irish and who is enrolling following the completion of the full course of primary education recognised by another State. | ||
2.2.2 | The pupil has at least reached second class and experiences significant literacy difficulties which are an obstacle to their learning across the curriculum and which are persistent despite having had access to a differentiated approach to language and literacy learning in all subjects/across the curriculum and over time and presents with a standardised score on a discrete test in either Word Reading, Reading Comprehension or Spelling at/below the 10th percentile. | ||
2.2.3 | The pupil has at least reached second class and experiences a high level of multiple and persistent needs, that persist despite targeted and individualised Student Support Plans to address those needs (over not less than two years) and which are a significant barrier to the pupil’s participation and engagement in their learning and school life and who been given every reasonable opportunity to participate in the learning of Irish in mainstream classes for as long as possible and the Principal is satisfied that the granting of an exemption is in the overall best interests of the pupil concerned. | ||
2.2.4(ii) | The pupil has a recommendation and has been deemed eligible for a place in a recognised special school and/or in a special class in a mainstream school | ||
2.2.5 | The pupil’s parent(s)/guardian(s) is a/are diplomatic or consular representatives of another country to Ireland irrespective of age or educational history. | ||
Please provide detail of any supporting documentation being submitted to the school 1.___________________________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________________________ 4.___________________________________________________________________ For the purpose of this application the documentation provided will be assessed, by relevant school personnel and other professionals where necessary, to determine whether there is grounds to grant an exemption from the study of Irish. Tick the box if you wish to proceed. o Signed:_________________________________________Date:_________________ Signed:_________________________________________Date:_________________ | |||
For school use only Date of receipt of application: | |||
Principal: ______________________ Date: __________________________ School roll number: ______________ | |||
Appendix 2 Checklists for processing applications 2.2.1
CHECKLIST FOR PROCESSING APPLICATIONS FOR EXEMPTION FROM THE STUDY OF IRISH IN ACCORDANCE WITH CIRCULAR 0054/2022 2.2.1a A pupil moving from a different country, who is re-enrolling following a period spent abroad, provided at least three consecutive years have elapsed since the previous enrolment in the State and who is not less than 12 years of age on the day of their enrolment or re-enrolment | ||||
Name of school | ||||
School roll number | ||||
Name of pupil | ||||
Date of birth | ||||
PPS Number | ||||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The date on which the school received the application is recorded on the form. | |||
b) | Receipt of the application has been acknowledged in writing and the parent(s)/guardian(s) has/have been informed that the application will be processed within 21 school days of date of receipt. | |||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The written application and supporting documentation have been discussed with parent(s)/guardian(s) and pupil. | |||
b) | The parent(s)/guardian(s) has/have been advised of the next steps in processing the application. | |||
c) | The parent(s)/guardian(s) and pupil have been informed of any implications of an exemption from the study of Irish now and into the future. | |||
d) | The parent(s)/guardian(s) has/have been informed that a signed Certificate of Exemption will issue where a decision is reached that an exemption will be granted. | |||
e) | The parent(s)/ guardian(s) has/have been informed that where an application is refused that the school’s decision may be appealed to the Irish Exemptions Appeal Committee within 30 days from the date the decision of the school is notified in writing. | |||
f) | The arrangements (as per Section 6 of the Guidelines), in the case of an exemption being granted, have been explained to the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the pupil. | |||
g) | Relevant evidence about the pupil’s previous enrolment (including dates) and attendance at a school(s) outside the State has been examined. | |||
h) | The pupil’s educational experience and/or progress has been considered. | |||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The above named pupil is not less than 12 years of age | |||
b) | At least three consecutive years have elapsed since the above named pupil was last enrolled in a school in this State. | |||
c) | An exemption from the study of Irish is granted o Or An exemption from the study of Irish is not granted o | |||
Where an application for exemption is refused, please note reason(s) | ||||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The outcome of the application has been confirmed in writing to the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the reason(s) for not granting an exemption where relevant. | |||
b) | Arrangements have been made for the retention of the application form and all supporting documentation, including a Copy of the Certificate of Exemption where applicable, and this checklist, in accordance with data protection law. | |||
Principal: ______________________ Date: __________________________ | ||||
Appendix 2 Checklists for processing applications 2.2.1
CHECKLIST FOR PROCESSING APPLICATIONS FOR EXEMPTION FROM THE STUDY OF IRISH IN ACCORDANCE WITH CIRCULAR 0054/2022 2.2.1b A pupil whose education was received outside the State for a minimum period of three consecutive years and who is enrolling following the completion of the full course of primary education recognised by another state, where they did not have opportunity to engage in the study of Irish | ||||
Name of school | ||||
School roll number | ||||
Name of pupil | ||||
Date of birth | ||||
PPS Number | ||||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The date on which the school received the application is recorded on the form. | |||
b) | Receipt of the application has been acknowledged in writing and the parent(s)/guardian(s) has/have been informed that the application will be processed within 21 school days of date of receipt. | |||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The written application and supporting documentation have been discussed with parent(s)/guardian(s) and pupil. | |||
b) | The parent(s)/guardian(s) has/have been advised of the next steps in processing the application. | |||
c) | The parent(s)/guardian(s) and pupil have been informed of any implications of an exemption from the study of Irish now and into the future. | |||
d) | The parent(s)/guardian(s) has/have been informed that a signed Certificate of Exemption will issue where a decision is reached that an exemption will be granted. | |||
e) | The parent(s)/ guardian(s) has/have been informed that where an application is refused that the school’s decision may be appealed to the Irish Exemptions Appeal Committee within 30 days from the date the decision of the school is notified in writing. | |||
f) | The arrangements (as per Section 6 of the Guidelines), in the case of an exemption being granted, have been explained to the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the pupil. | |||
g) | Evidence of the pupil’s attendance at a school outside the State for a minimum period of three consecutive years and completion of the full course of primary education recognised by another state. | |||
h) | The pupil’s educational experience and/or progress has been considered. | |||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The above named pupil received his/her education outside the State for a minimum period of three consecutive years and completed the full course of primary education recognised by another state. | |||
c) | An exemption from the study of Irish is granted o or An exemption from the study of Irish is not granted o | |||
Where an application for exemption is refused, please note reason(s). | ||||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The outcome of the application has been confirmed in writing to the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the reason(s) for not granting an exemption where relevant. | |||
b) | Arrangements have been made for the retention of the application form and all supporting documentation, including a Copy of the Certificate of Exemption where applicable, and this checklist, in accordance with data protection law. | |||
Principal: ______________________ Date: __________________________ | ||||
Appendix 2 Checklists for processing applications 2.2.2
CHECKLIST FOR PROCESSING APPLICATIONS FOR EXEMPTION FROM THE STUDY OF IRISH IN ACCORDANCE WITH CIRCULAR 0054/2022 2.2.2 A pupil who has at least reached second class and presents with significant and persistent literacy difficulties and presents with a standardised score in a discrete test at/below the 10th percentile in either Word Reading, Reading Comprehension or Spelling. | ||||
Name of school | ||||
School roll number | ||||
Name of pupil | ||||
Date of birth | ||||
PPS Number | ||||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The date on which the school received the application is recorded on the form. | |||
b) | Receipt of the application has been acknowledged in writing and the parent(s)/guardian(s) has/have been informed that the application will be processed within 21 school days of date of receipt. | |||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The written application and supporting documentation have been discussed with parent(s)/guardian(s) and pupil. | |||
b) | The parent(s)/guardian(s) has/have been advised of the next steps in processing the application. | |||
c) | The parent(s)/guardian(s) and pupil have been informed of any implications of an exemption from the study of Irish now and into the future. | |||
d) | The parent(s)/guardian(s) has/have been informed that a signed Certificate of Exemption will issue where a decision is reached that an exemption will be granted. | |||
e) | The parent(s)/ guardian(s) has/have been informed that where an application is refused that the school’s decision may be appealed to the Irish Exemptions Appeal Committee within 30 days from the date the decision of the school is notified in writing. | |||
f) | The arrangements (as per Section 6 of the Guidelines), in the case of an exemption being granted, have been explained to the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the pupil. | |||
g) | The pupil’s Student Support File has been reviewed. | |||
h) | The pupil’s class teacher and SET team has been consulted. | |||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The above named pupil: has at least reached second class and | |||
presents with significant literacy difficulties that are persistent despite having access to a differentiated approach to language and literacy in both Irish and English over time as evidenced in the Student Support File includingregular reviews of learning needs as part of an ongoing cycle of assessment.target setting.evidence-informed intervention and review, including test scores (Word Reading, Reading Comprehension, Spelling, other scores of language/literacy) at key points of review and | ||||
at the time of application for exemption, the above named pupil presents with a Standardised Score on a discrete test in either Word Reading or Reading Comprehension or Spelling at/below the 10th percentile | ||||
b) | An exemption from the study of Irish is granted o or An exemption from the study of Irish is not granted o | |||
Where an application for exemption is refused, please note reason(s). | ||||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The outcome of the application has been confirmed in writing to the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the reason(s) for not granting an exemption where relevant. | |||
b) | Arrangements have been made for the retention of the application form and all supporting documentation, including a Copy of the Certificate of Exemption where applicable, and this checklist, in accordance with data protection law. | |||
Principal: ______________________ Date: __________________________ | ||||
Appendix 2 Checklists for processing applications 2.2.3
CHECKLIST FOR PROCESSING APPLICATIONS FOR EXEMPTION FROM THE STUDY OF IRISH IN ACCORDANCE WITH CIRCULAR 0054/2022 2.2.3 A pupil who experiences a high level of multiple and persistent needs that are a significant barrier to the pupil’s participation and engagement in their learning and school life | ||||
Name of school | ||||
School roll number | ||||
Name of pupil | ||||
Date of birth | ||||
PPS Number | ||||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The date on which the school received the application is recorded on the form. | |||
b) | Receipt of the application has been acknowledged in writing and the parent(s)/guardian(s) has/have been informed that the application will be processed within 21 school days of date of receipt. | |||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The written application and supporting documentation have been discussed with parent(s)/guardian(s) and pupil. | |||
b) | The parent(s)/guardian(s) has/have been advised of the next steps in processing the application. | |||
c) | The parent(s)/guardian(s) and pupil have been informed of any implications of an exemption from the study of Irish now and into the future. | |||
d) | The parent(s)/guardian(s) has/have been informed that a signed Certificate of Exemption will issue where a decision is reached that an exemption will be granted. | |||
e) | The parent(s)/ guardian(s) has/have been informed that where an application is refused that the school’s decision may be appealed to the Irish Exemptions Appeal Committee within 30 days from the date the decision of the school is notified in writing. | |||
f) | The arrangements (as per Section 6 of the Guidelines), in the case of an exemption being granted, have been explained to the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the pupil. | |||
g) | The pupil’s Student Support File has been reviewed. | |||
h) | The pupil’s class teacher and SET team has been consulted. | |||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The above named pupil: has at least reached second class and | |||
experiences a high level of multiple and persistent needs that are a very significant and continuing barrier to his/her participation and engagement in his/her learning and school life and | ||||
whose school has substantial written evidence that these needs persist despite targeted and individualised Student Support Plans to address those needs and | ||||
whose school has substantial written evidence that these individualised Student Support Plans have been implemented over not less than two school years, and have been monitored and reviewed by the school in collaboration with the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the pupil and | ||||
who has been given every reasonable opportunity to participate in the learning of Irish in mainstream classes for as long as possible in keeping with the integrated approach in the Primary Languages Curriculum and acknowledging that pupils at a young age adapt and improve over time and | ||||
the Principal is satisfied that the granting of an exemption is in the overall best interests of the pupil concerned | ||||
b) | An exemption from the study of Irish is granted o or An exemption from the study of Irish is not granted o | |||
Where an application for exemption is refused, please note reason(s). | ||||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The outcome of the application has been confirmed in writing to the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the reason(s) for not granting an exemption where relevant. | |||
b) | Arrangements have been made for the retention of the application form and all supporting documentation, including a Copy of the Certificate of Exemption where applicable, and this checklist, in accordance with data protection law. | |||
Principal: ______________________ Date: __________________________ | ||||
Appendix 2 Checklists for processing applications 2.2.4
CHECKLIST FOR PROCESSING APPLICATIONS FOR EXEMPTION FROM THE STUDY OF IRISH IN ACCORDANCE WITH CIRCULAR 0054/2022 2.2.4(ii) A pupil has a recommendation and has been deemed eligible for a place in a recognised special school and/or in a special class in a mainstream school | ||||
Name of school | ||||
School roll number | ||||
Name of pupil | ||||
Date of birth | ||||
PPS Number | ||||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The date on which the school received the application is recorded on the form. | |||
b) | Receipt of the application has been acknowledged in writing and the parent(s)/guardian(s) has/have been informed that the application will be processed within 21 school days of date of receipt. | |||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The written application and supporting documentation have been discussed with parent(s)/guardian(s) and pupil. | |||
b) | The parent(s)/guardian(s) has/have been advised of the next steps in processing the application. | |||
c) | The parent(s)/guardian(s) and pupil have been informed of any implications of an exemption from the study of Irish now and into the future. | |||
d) | The parent(s)/guardian(s) has/have been informed that a signed Certificate of Exemption will issue where a decision is reached that an exemption will be granted. | |||
e) | The parent(s)/ guardian(s) has/have been informed that where an application is refused that the school’s decision may be appealed to the Irish Exemptions Appeal Committee within 30 days from the date the decision of the school is notified in writing. | |||
f) | The arrangements (as per Section 6 of the Guidelines), in the case of an exemption being granted, have been explained to the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the pupil. | |||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The above named pupil has a recommendation and has been deemed eligible for a place in a recognised special school and/or in a special class in a mainstream school. | |||
b) | An exemption from the study of Irish is granted o or An exemption from the study of Irish is not granted o | |||
Where an application for exemption is refused, please note reason(s). | ||||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The outcome of the application has been confirmed in writing to the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the reason(s) for not granting an exemption where relevant. | |||
b) | Arrangements have been made for the retention of the application form and all supporting documentation, including a Copy of the Certificate of Exemption where applicable, and this checklist, in accordance with data protection law. | |||
Principal: ______________________ Date: __________________________ | ||||
Appendix 2 Checklists for processing applications 2.2.5
CHECKLIST FOR PROCESSING APPLICATIONS FOR EXEMPTION FROM THE STUDY OF IRISH IN ACCORDANCE WITH CIRCULAR 0054/2022 2.2.5 A pupil whose parent(s)/guardian(s) is a/are diplomatic or consular representatives of another country in Ireland | ||||
Name of school | ||||
School roll number | ||||
Name of pupil | ||||
Date of birth | ||||
PPS Number | ||||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The date on which the school received the application is recorded on the form. | |||
b) | Receipt of the application has been acknowledged in writing and the parent(s)/guardian(s) has/have been informed that the application will be processed within 21 school days of date of receipt. | |||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The written application and supporting documentation have been discussed with parent(s)/guardian(s) and pupil. | |||
b) | The parent(s)/guardian(s) has/have been advised of the next steps in processing the application. | |||
c) | The parent(s)/guardian(s) and pupil have been informed of any implications of an exemption from the study of Irish now and into the future. | |||
d) | The parent(s)/guardian(s) has/have been informed that a signed Certificate of Exemption will issue where a decision is reached that an exemption will be granted. | |||
e) | The parent(s)/ guardian(s) has/have been informed that where an application is refused that the school’s decision may be appealed to the Irish Exemptions Appeal Committee within 30 days from the date the decision of the school is notified in writing. | |||
f) | The arrangements (as per Section 6 of the Guidelines), in the case of an exemption being granted, have been explained to the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the pupil. | |||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The above named pupil is a child of a diplomatic or consular representative of another country in Ireland. | |||
b) | An exemption from the study of Irish is granted o or An exemption from the study of Irish is not granted o | |||
Where an application for exemption is refused, please note reason(s). | ||||
Yes | No | |||
a) | The outcome of the application has been confirmed in writing to the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the reason(s) for not granting an exemption where relevant. | |||
b) | Arrangements have been made for the retention of the application form and all supporting documentation, including a Copy of the Certificate of Exemption where applicable, and this checklist, in accordance with data protection law. | |||
Principal: ______________________ Date: __________________________ | ||||
Appendix 3 2.2.1 (a)
CIRCULAR 0054/2022
Name of Pupil | Date of Birth | |||||
Name of School | Roll Number | |||||
School Address | ||||||
The above-named pupil has been granted an exemption from the study of Irish in accordance with the terms of Circular 0054/2022 and on the grounds of the following exceptional circumstance | ||||||
2.2.1(a) | The pupil is not less than 12 years of age on the day of their enrolment or re-enrolment whose education was received outside the State (for a minimum period of three consecutive years) where he/she did not have the opportunity to engage in the study of Irish. | |||||
Possible implications of exemption from the study of Irish for my son/daughter have been explained to me. | ||||||
Signed: ______________ Parent/Guardian | Date: | Signed: ______________ Parent/Guardian | Date: | |||
School Principal signature: | Date: | |||||
Appendix 3 2.2.1 (b)
CIRCULAR 0054/2022
Name of Pupil | Date of Birth | |||||
Name of School | Roll Number | |||||
School Address | ||||||
The above-named pupil has been granted an exemption from the study of Irish in accordance with the terms of Circular 0054/2022 and on the grounds of the following exceptional circumstance | ||||||
2.2.1(b) | The pupil’s education was received outside the State (for a minimum period of three consecutive years) where he/she did not have opportunity to engage in the study of Irish and who is enrolling following the completion of the full course of primary education recognised by another state. | |||||
Possible implications of exemption from the study of Irish for my son/daughter have been explained to me. | ||||||
Signed: ______________ Parent/Guardian | Date: | Signed: ______________ Parent/Guardian | Date: | |||
School Principal signature: | Date: | |||||
Appendix 3 2.2.2
CIRCULAR 0054/2022
Name of Pupil | Date of Birth | |||||
Name of School | Roll Number | |||||
School Address | ||||||
The above-named pupil has been granted an exemption from the study of Irish in accordance with the terms of Circular 0054/2022 and on the grounds of the following exceptional circumstance | ||||||
2.2.2 | The pupil has at least reached second class and experiences significant literacy difficulties which are an obstacle to their learning across the curriculum and which are persistent despite having had access to a differentiated approach to language and literacy learning in all subjects/across the curriculum and over time and presents with a standardised score on a discrete test in either Word Reading, Reading Comprehension or Spelling at/below the 10th percentile. | |||||
Possible implications of exemption from the study of Irish for my son/daughter have been explained to me. | ||||||
Signed: ______________ Parent/Guardian | Date: | Signed: ______________ Parent/Guardian | Date: | |||
School Principal signature: | Date: | |||||
Appendix 3 2.2.3
CIRCULAR 0054/2022
Name of Pupil | Date of Birth | ||||||||||
Name of School | Roll Number | ||||||||||
School Address | |||||||||||
The above-named pupil has been granted an exemption from the study of Irish in accordance with the terms of Circular 0054/2022 and on the grounds of the following exceptional circumstance | |||||||||||
2.2.3 | The pupil has at least reached second class and experiences a high level of multiple and persistent needs, that persist despite targeted and individualised Student Support Plans to address those needs (over not less than two years) and which are a significant barrier to the pupil’s participation and engagement in their learning and school life and who been given every reasonable opportunity to participate in the learning of Irish in mainstream classes for as long as possible and the Principal is satisfied that the granting of an exemption is in the overall best interests of the pupil concerned. | ||||||||||
Possible implications of exemption from the study of Irish for my son/daughter have been explained to me. | |||||||||||
Signed: ______________ Parent/Guardian | Date: | Signed: ______________ Parent/Guardian | Date: | ||||||||
School Principal signature: | Date: | ||||||||||
Appendix 4 2.2.4 (i)
CIRCULAR 0054/2022
Name of Pupil | Date of Birth | |||
Name of School | Roll Number | |||
School Address | ||||
The above-named pupil has been provided with an exemption from the study of Irish in accordance with the terms of Circular 0054/2022 | ||||
2.2.4(i) | The pupil was/is enrolled in a recognised Special School or a Special Class in a mainstream school. | |||
Possible implications of exemption from the study of Irish for my son/daughter have been explained to me | ||||
Signed: Date: ______________ ______________ Parent/Guardian Parent/Guardian | Date: _______________________ School Principal signature: | |||
Appendix 4 2.2.4 (ii)
CIRCULAR 0054/2022
Name of Pupil | Date of Birth | |||||
Name of School | Roll Number | |||||
School Address | ||||||
The above-named pupil has been granted an exemption from the study of Irish in accordance with the terms of Circular 0054/2022 and on the grounds of the following exceptional circumstance | ||||||
2.2.4(ii) | The pupil has a recommendation and has been deemed eligible for a place in a recognised special school and/or in a special class in a mainstream school | |||||
Possible implications of exemption from the study of Irish for my son/daughter have been explained to me. | ||||||
Signed: ______________ Parent/Guardian | Date: | Signed: ______________ Parent/Guardian | Date: | |||
School Principal signature: | Date: | |||||
Appendix 3 2.2.5
CIRCULAR 0054/2022
Name of Pupil | Date of Birth | |||||
Name of School | Roll Number | |||||
School Address | ||||||
The above-named pupil has been granted an exemption from the study of Irish in accordance with the terms of Circular 0054/2022 and on the grounds of the following exceptional circumstance | ||||||
2.2.5 | The pupil’s parent(s)/guardian(s) is a/are diplomatic or consular representatives of another country to Ireland irrespective of age or educational history. | |||||
Possible implications of exemption from the study of Irish for my son/daughter have been explained to me. | ||||||
Signed: ______________ Parent/Guardian | Date: | Signed: ______________ Parent/Guardian | Date: | |||
School Principal signature: | Date: | |||||
Appendix 4 What are the implications for a pupil not studying Irish?
Irish language requirements for entry to third level courses/programmes of study are at the discretion of the relevant colleges and universities. These requirements may be subject to change, and it is therefore important that pupils/parents are aware of such requirements. Information on third level entry requirements can be accessed on relevant college/university websites. It is important that parents/guardians and pupils are made aware that Irish is an entry requirement for access to programmes for initial teacher education (primary) offered in the four-state funded higher education institutions.